Seven programs from UA System pass PSV

Seven programs from University of Antique Tibiao, Libertad, and Caluya Campuses passed the preliminary survey visit conducted by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) on October 3-7, 2022.

The seven programs submitted under pre-survey level namely Bachelor of Local Government Administration and Bachelor of Science in Information System of Tibiao Campus, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology of Libertad Campus, and Bachelor of Science in Hospitality

Management, Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, and Bachelor in Industrial Technology Major in Electrical Technology of Caluya Campus were awarded a candidate status and are qualified to undergo the first survey visit.

According to Dr. Dolorosa M. Pajarillo, Director for Quality Assurance and Accreditation, the programs shall be scheduled for accreditation after one year except for the Bachelor of Local Government Administration program, after two years./IAP