UA confers diploma to 270 cadettes and cadets from CMS

Ready to conquer the strong winds and turbulent seas, 270 Completers and 34 graduates from Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation received their diploma during the College of Maritime Studies Commencement Exercises today, July 12, at Traditional Knowledge Center.

Capt. Joemar P. Masacote, Career Development & Recruitment Manager of Marlow Navigation Philippines Inc., in his commencement address challenged the cadettes and cadets to meet and exceed expectations rather than just simply doing their best.

“Forget about your best. Doing your best is an easy reason because you expect to fail, so your best will always never be good enough,” Capt. Masacote stated.

According to Dr. Pablo S. Crespo Jr.,University President, University of Antique as the only State University that offers free Maritime Education in Region VI, aims to help alleviate the economic status of Antiqueños through giving opportunity to students who wanted to explore the Maritime Industry.

Present during the Graduation Rites are the Board of Regents, University Top Management, Members of the Executive Committee of the University, 3/E Rowen M. Samillano, Dean of CMS, Faculty and Staff, and Parents of the graduates./IAP