RDU holds In-house Review of Research Proposals

To provide leadership and direction in the promotion and production of quality researchers the Research Extension Continuing Education and Training services (RECETS) through Research and Development Unit (RDU) holds an In-house Review of Research Proposals at College of Business and Accountancy Audio Visual Room (CBA-AVR). June 15-16.

The two day activity includes parallel sessions of research presentations by different colleges and campuses of the University which aims to enhance the research capability of faculty members and assist research proponents of the University in completing their researches or studies.

Dr. Susan F. Atienza, Director of RDU, said that one of the purposes of the activity is to produce research proposals that will lead on the attainment of the University’s vison.

“These research proposals become studies and these studies we will produce should be published in any reputable Journals,” she further stated.

Gracing the in-house review are the Panel of Evaluators who are experts in their own field and whose researches are already published on different journals./IAP