On the 2024 Research Forum held at the University of Antique (UA) Busalian Hall, Dr. Pablo S. Crespo Jr., UA President, conveyed that the real measure of how successful the University’s research endeavor lies on how the completed researches will be of use to the local community.
“It is my hope that eventually the research will be adapted by the different agencies in the formulation perhaps of new policies or programs and will be presented as well in the international fora, to be commercialized and then adapted by different communities,” the President stated on his recorded speech.
Representatives from the different Government Organizations such as the Office of the Governor, Philippine National Police (PNP), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), and Municipal Development Office of Municipality of San Jose, graced the forum where a total of 47 completed Researches from the different campuses of UA were presented.
Dr. Susan F. Atienza, Director of Research Unit (RESU), also accentuated that the forum, which is annually conducted by the academe, provides a venue that bridges scientists and researchers of UA with the stakeholders for the exchange of information on new discoveries that will advance the Province of Antique in terms of knowledge, technology, and eventually for economic development.
“This University is indeed a venue not only for instruction but as well as discovering something new, something different, that can be of importance or we can make use in developing products or policies,” Dr. Atienza added.
Dr. Romeo D. Caturao, Retired Professor VI, UA – Tario Lim Memorial Campus (TLMC), Engr. Eleazar Salvador T. Moscoso, Provincial Science and Technology Director, and Gevi Kristina S. Villafuerte, MMPM, Industry Development, Unit Head, composed the research panel.
Dr. May T. Delgado, Vice-President for Research, Extension and Innovation (REI) also sent her message to the forum where Program Heads and students from the different colleges of the university were also present. This year’s forum was held from May 28-29.