CTE holds Practice Teaching Seminar-Workshop

College of Teacher Education (CTE) conducts a four-day practice teaching seminar-workshop for fourth year students at University of Antique PaghiUsA Hall, February 14 – 17.

Resource speakers who are experts in their respective fields were invited to give talks during the pre-deployment seminar-workshop to equip student interns with knowledge that will serve as their guidelines during the student-teaching internship.

“I hope that this three-day activity will help you prepare for your student internship and help you face the lively, challenging, diverse, and warm community of the school you have chosen and that we have also chosen for you,” said Dr. Grace C. Pastolero, Associate Dean of the College of Teacher Education, during her welcome remarks.

The student interns will be deployed to their respective resource schools on February 20. /The Mentor – IAP

Photos courtesy of The Mentor