Hello Kasubay!
Excited for the long weekend ahead? Please be guided by the following schedule in the UA system:
October 30 and November 1-2, 2023 – classes and office operations are suspended.
October 31, 2023 – work from home arrangement shall be implemented and asynchronous classes in the University shall be conducted. This applies to the permanent faculty members and administrative staff, part-time instructors, job orderlies, and personnel under contract of service except for the security guard, janitors and maintenance staff, selected job orderlies and contract of service personnel whose nature of duties and responsibilities cannot be engaged under the work from home scheme, and as such, may voluntarily report subject to no work no pay policy. (Memorandum Circular No. 38 of 2023 by the Office of the President)
November 3, 2023 – regular working day; administrative staff, job orderlies, and personnel under contract of services shall report while faculty members, both permanent and part-time, shall report as well but may conduct synchronous or asynchronous classes.
November 4, 2023 – regular classes for the graduate school, National Service Training Program (NSTP), and other undergraduate programs depending on the approved schedule of learning instruction./IU