The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of education, agriculture, forestry, fishery, maritime education, ecology, engineering, philosophy, information and communications technology, letters, arts and sciences, nursing, medicine and other relevant fields of study.
UA to produce Improvised Oil Spill Containment Boom University of Antique system launches the initiative to make improvised oil spill containment...
CBA Day revitalized Two years after the pandemic, College of Business and Accountancy (CBA) revitalizes CBA Day 2023 through a series of activities,...
CCJE holds Bunlaw 2023 College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) held a pinning ceremony and donning of ranks to its Criminology Interns, the...
UP RI and NOAH Center holds SAFER-U Onsite Visit University of the Philippines Resilience Institute (RI) and Nationwide Operational Assessment of...
UA-CTE conducts pre-board LET review University of Antique College of Teacher Education conducts a pre-board Licensure Examination for Teachers...
CHED conducts monitoring of IDIG Project at UA Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Central and Regional Office VI conducts an on-site monitoring...
UA Opens Women’s Month With the renewed commitment and support to the advocacy of embracing equality, University of Antique through Gender and...
UA conducts Earthquake and Fire Drill University of Antique conducts Earthquake and Fire Mock Drill as part of the University safety and security...
Bambuhay! The online application for 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024 is ongoing until June 14, 2023. Please see the attached schedule of entrance...