Partnering in the tradition of excellence rendered through internationalization, University of Antique together with Northern Negros State College of Technology (NONESCOST), partnered with West Visayas State University (WVSU) in conducting International Students’ Day, at WVSU Cultural Center, November 17.

Lecturers from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand – Dr. Julapot Chiravachradej, Head of Civil Engineering Department, and Dr. Chana Phutthananon, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, imparted knowledge to the participants, among which are the five student representatives from the College of Computer Studies (CCS) of UA Main Campus.

The three Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) also rendered cultural presentations where the College of Business and Accountancy dancers performed Tubong Kalatong, a rhythmic dance performed by male dancers using three foot bamboo tubes and sticks usually performed during fiestas to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.

The university delegation was also composed of Prof. Jennelyn Omadio, Director for International Affairs, Prof. Saredith Sola, Director of Information and Publication, Engr. Christine Vegafria, Dean of College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA), Dr. Ricardo Catanghal, Dean of CCS, Prof. John Jowil Orquia, Program Head, BS Computer Science, and Prof. Kenrick Agustin Secugal, Program Head, BS Information Technology./IU