DOST Develops Complementary Food and Capability Building on Food and Nutrition


In order to demote the province from the top list of having the most malnourished children in the region, the DOST CEST project implemented the complementary feeding using the Food and Nutrition and Research Institute (FNRI) which developed complementary food.

The UA Complementary Food Production Facility – Technology and Livelihood Resource Center (Sibalom TechnoHub) will handle the production of the said product which will be distributed to DepEd schools via NutriKart.

The NutriKart will sell rice and grain-based products such as powder blends, curls, chips, bread, and others to DepEd pupils as an alternative to junk food.

To signify collaboration and pledge commitment to the project, DOST regional director Engr. Rowen Gelonga, DepEd acting division schools superintendent Dr. Victor de Gracia, UA president Dr. Pablo Crespo Jr., and Alangan United Farmers Association vice president Rodrigo Aldemita signed a memorandum of understanding and memorandum of agreement in the presence of Cong. Legarda and Gov. Rhodora Cadiao.
Mr. Aldemita signified on behalf of the association’s commitment to supply mongo and rice for the complementary food production while applying good practices in farming as encouraged by DOST FNRI.