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The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of education, agriculture, forestry, fishery, maritime education, ecology, engineering, philosophy, information and communications technology, letters, arts and sciences, nursing, medicine and other relevant fields of study.


School Enrollment (from 2018 to 2021)


Educational Profile ( 2017-2021)


List of Programs Offered


Classes for the second semester of A.Y. 2022-2023 officially begins today. Students from batch 1: CAS, CBA, CCJE, and CMS, will have face-to-face classes this week; while students from batch 2: CTE, COT, CCS, and CEA, are scheduled for asynchronous...

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Welcome back to yet another semester Kasubays! Your UA family is one with you as you step closer to your dreams. We are looking forward to transforming lives and building communities with...

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Heads up Kasubays! Today is the last day of enrollment, and the whole UA community cannot wait to welcome you for the second semester of A.Y 2022-2023. Classes will resume on February 13 with CAS, CCJE, CBA, CMS scheduled for face-to-face meetings while CTE, COT, CCS, and CEA will attend...

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The search is still on for two (2) Private Sector Representatives (PSR) of the University of Antique Board of Regents.   All applications, nominations, and other documentary requirements must be received within fifteen (15) days from the day after its first posting/publication or on the deadline...

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eskUelA Learning Management System Advisory

eskUelA Learning Management System Advisory

eskUelA LMS will conduct a SYSTEM MIGRATION from February 17, 2022 until further notice. This improvement aims to further enhance our system to serve our students and faculty better. The LMS Team is doing their best to make LMS available online as soon as possible. For updates and information,...

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College of Arts Seminar on Environmental Laws

College of Arts Seminar on Environmental Laws

The College of Arts and Sciences invites all UA students who are currently taking Environmental Science as a subject, including their barangay captain in their respective BLGUs to participate in this “Seminar on Environmental Laws” on January 24, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon via...

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