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The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of education, agriculture, forestry, fishery, maritime education, ecology, engineering, philosophy, information and communications technology, letters, arts and sciences, nursing, medicine and other relevant fields of study.


School Enrollment (from 2018 to 2021)


Educational Profile ( 2017-2021)


List of Programs Offered


University of Antique through the Data Protection Office is one in the celebration of Privacy Awareness Week from the 25th to 31st of May, with the theme “Empowering DPOs and Protecting Personal Data Privacy Rights of Filipinos.” As an academe, UA commits to protect and uphold the data privacy...

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Hi there Kasubays! Few days to go before the Academic Year ends. With this, buckle up as the second year of A.Y. 2022-2023 draws near. A gentle reminder to accomplish your requirements and settle your academic related concerns before the classes end. Best of luck and we wish you well on your...

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Be a UA Red Antbassador! Kasubays of the University of Antique System are invited to join our team of student ambassadors who support the University’s quest for internationalization. Apply now by accomplishing this online form: . Application period is from...

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Kasubays, few days to go before the Eleksyon KasUbAy 2023: The University of Antique Student Government (UASG) and Future Leaders of the Philippines (FLP) Sub-Chapter Elections.   To all enrolled students of UA, you are encouraged to practice your right to choose the leader who will be your voice...

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To all mothers and everyone who cares for us with a love no lesser than the love of a mom, thank you so much for standing tall and for facing adversities with courage for the sake of your children. You may have walked the hard path just to send your child to school, yet your passion and high hopes...

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Students, as the primary clientele of the University, play a vital role in the realization of the institution’s goals, thus the need to become well represented is non-negotiable. Kasubay, we are counting days before the most awaited Election 2023. May you choose a leader who will represent your...

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