COLLEGE Baccalaureate/College Application Form CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICEWe value and protect your personal information in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173). The information you shared will be stored in a database accessible to UA only. These will be used to serve as a reference for your admission for entrance exam.Consent *By clicking in this checkbox, I DO HEREBY AGREE AND GIVE CONSENT to University of Antique to collect, access, process, transfer or dispose my personal information for its intended purpose stated above.PERSONAL INFORMATIONFirst Name *Last Name *Middle NameName Extension0 / 5Sex *MaleFemaleDate of Birth *Email Address *The exam permit and result will be sent to this email address, so make sure it is active.Contact no. *0 / 11Present Address *Living in AntiqueLiving Outside AntiqueTown *Select TownAnini-yBarbazaBelisonBugasongCaluyaCulasiHamticLaua-anLibertadPandanPatnongonSan JoseSan RemigioSebasteSibalomTibiaoTobias FornierValderramaBarangay *Select BarangayBayo GrandeBayo PequeñoButuanCasayCasay ViejoIbaIgbarabatuanIgpalgeIgtumaromLisub ALisub BMabuyongMagdalenaNasuli CNatoPoblacionSaguaSalvacionSan FranciscoSan RamonSan RoqueTagaytayTalisayanBarangay *Select BarangayBaghariBahuyanBeriBiga-aBinangbangBinangbang CentroBinanu-anCadiaoCalapadanCapoyuanCubayEmbrangga-anEspararGuaIdaoIgpalgeIgtunarumIntegasanIpilJinalinanLanasLangcaonLisubLombuyanMabladMagtulisMarigneMayabayMayosNalusdanNarirongPalmaPoblacionSan AntonioSan RamonSoligaoTabongtabongTig-alaranYapoBarangay *Select BarangayBorocborocBuenavistaConcepcionDelimaIpilMaradionaMojonPoblacionRombangSalvacionSinajaBarangay *Select BarangayAnilawanArangoteBagtasonCamangahanCentro IlawodCentro IlayaCentro PojoCubay NorthCubay SouthGuijaIgbalangaoIgsoroIlauresJinalinanLacayonMarayPaliwanPangalcaganSabang EastSabang WestTagudtud NorthTagudtud SouthTalisayTicaTono-anYapuZaragozaBarangay *Select BarangayAlegriaBacongBanagoBonbonDawisDionelaHarigueHininga-anImbaMasanagPoblacionSabangSalamentoSemiraraSibatoSibaySiboloTinogbocBarangay *Select BarangayAlojipanBagacayBalac-balacBatbatan IslandBatonan NorteBatonan SurBitaBitadton NorteBitadton SurBuenavistaBuhiCamancijanCaridadCarit-anCentro NorteCentro PoblacionCentro SurCondesEsperanzaFeFloresJalandoniJanlagasiLamputongLipataMagsaysayMalacañangMalalison IslandManiguinNabaOsorioPaningayanSaldeSan AntonioSan GregorioSan JuanSan LuisSan PascualSan VicenteSimbolaTigboboloTinabusanTomaoValderamaBarangay *Select BarangayApdoAslumanBanawonBia-anBongbongan IIIBongbongan I-IIBotbotBudbudanBuhangCalacja ICalacja IICalalaCantulanCaridadCaromangayCasalnganDangcalanDel PilarFabricaFundaGeneral FullonGov. Evelio B. JavierGuintasIgbicalIgbucagayInabasanIngwan-BatanganLa PazLinabanMalandogMapatagMasanagNalihawanPamandayanPasu-JungaoPiape IPiape IIPiape IIIPili 1, 2, 3Poblacion 1Poblacion 2Poblacion 3Poblacion 4Poblacion 5Pu-aoSulocVillavert-JimenezBarangay *Select BarangayBagongbayanBanbanBongbonganCabariwanCadajugCanituanCapnayanCasit-anGuiamonGuinbanga-anGuisijanIgtadiaoIntaoJaguikicanJinalinanLactudanLatazonLaua-anLiberatoLinderoLiya-liyaLoonLugtaLupa-anMagyapoMariaMaunoMaybungaNecesitoOlocOmlotPandananPaningayanPascualaPoblacionSan RamonSantiagoTibacanTigunhaoVirginiaBarangay *Select BarangayBarusbusBulanaoCentro EsteCentro WesteCodiongCubayIgcagayInyawanLinderoMaramigPajoPanangkilonPazPucioSan RoqueTabocTinigbasTininduganUnionBarangay *Select BarangayAracayBadianganBagumbayanBaybayBotbotBuangCabugaoCandariCarmenCentro NorteCentro SurDionelaDumrogDuyongFraganteGuiaIdiacacanJinalinanLuhod-BayangMaadiosMag-abaNapuidNauringPatriaPerfectaSan AndresSan JoaquinSanta AnaSanta CruzSanta FeSanto RosarioTalisayTingibZaldivarBarangay *Select BarangayAlvañizAmparoApgahanAurelianaBadianganBernaldo A. JulagtingCarit-anCuyapiaoGellaIgbarawanIgbobonIgburiLa RiojaMabasaMacarinaMagarangMagsaysayPadangPandananPatlabawonPoblacionQuezonSalaguiawanSamalagueSan RafaelTamayocTigbalogoTobias FornierVilla CrespoVilla CruzVilla ElioVilla FloresVilla Laua-anVilla SalVilla SalomonVista AlegreBarangay *Select BarangayAtabayBadiangBarangay 1Barangay 2Barangay 3Barangay 4Barangay 5Barangay 6Barangay 7Barangay 8BaririBugarotCansadanDurogFunda-DalipeIgbongloInabasanMadrangcaMagcalonMalaibaMaybato NorteMaybato SurMojonPantaoSan AngelSan FernandoSan PedroSupaBarangay *Select BarangayAgriculaAlegriaAningalanAtabayBagumbayanBaladjayBanbananBarangbangBawangBugoBulan-bulanCabiawanCabunga-anCadolonanCarawisan ICarawisan IICarmelo ICarmelo IIGeneral FullonGeneral LunaIguirindonInsubuanLa UnionLapakLumpatanMagdalenaMaragubdubNagbangi INagbangi IINasuliOrquiaOsorio IOsorio IIPanpanan IPanpanan IIPoblacionRamon MagsaysayRizalSan RafaelSinundolanSumarayTrinidadTubudanVilvarWalkerBarangay *Select BarangayAbieraAguilaAlegreAras-asanBacalanCallanIdioNauhonP. JavierPoblacionBarangay *Select BarangayAlanganBariBiga-aBongbongan IBongbongan IIBongsodBontolBugnayBulalacaoCabanbananCabariuanCabladanCadoldolanCalogCalo-oyCatmonCatungan ICatungan IICatungan IIICatungan IVCubay-NapultanCubay-SermonDistrict IDistrict IIDistrict IIIDistrict IVEgañaEsperanza IEsperanza IIEsperanza IIIIgcococIgdagmayIgdalaquitIglanotIgpanolongIgparasIgsumingIlabasImparayanInabasanIndag-anInitanInsarayanLacaronLagdoLambayaganLunaLuyangMaasinMabiniMillamenaMojonNagdayaoNazarethOdiongOlagaPangpangPanlaganganPantaoPasongPis-ananRombangSalvacionSan JuanSidoSolongTabongtabongTigbalua ITigbalua IITig-ohotTordesillasTulatulaValentin GrasparilVillafontVillahermosaVillarBarangay *Select BarangayAlegreAmarBandojaCastilloEsparagozaImportanteLa PazMalaborMartinezNatividadPitacPoblacionSalazarSan Francisco NorteSan Francisco SurSan IsidroSanta AnaSanta JustaSanto RosarioTigbaboyTunoBarangay *Select BarangayAbacaAras-asanAroboAtabayAtiotesBagumbayanBalloscasBaludBarasanan ABarasanan BBarasanan CBaririCamandaganCato-oganDanawanDiclumFatimaGamadIgbalogoIgbangcal-AIgbangcal-BIgbangcal-CIgcabuadIgcadacIgcadoIgcalawaganIgcapuyasIgcasicadIgdalaguitIgdanlogIgdurarogIgtugasLawiganLinderoManalingMasayoNagsubuanNasuli-AOpsanPacienciaPoblacion NortePoblacion SurPortilloQuezonSalamagueSanto TomasTacbuyanTeneVillaflorYsulatBarangay *Select BarangayAlonBakiangBinanoganBorocborocBugnayBuluangan IBuluangan IIBunsodBusogCananghanCanipayanCansilayanCulyatIglinabIgmasandigLublubManlacboPandananSan AgustinTakasTigmamaleUbosStreet/PurokStreetBarangay/DistrictTown/City *Province *ZIP / Postal CodeSOCIO ECONOMIC INFORMATIONAre you a person with disability (PWD) ? *YesNoNature of Disability *Select DisabilityOrthopedic DisabilityHearing ImpairmentVisual DisabilityCommunication DisabilityDEAF (Sign Language)Physical DisabilitySpeech Lanuaguage ImpairmentRheumatic HeartPsychosocial DisabilityRare Disease (RA 10747)Deaf/Hard HearingPhysiological and Social (RHD)OthersPlease Specify *What type of assitance do you need during the exam?Are you a SOLO PARENT? *YesNoIs your family a 4P's beneficiary? *YesNoIs anyone in your immediate family a sugarcane worker (SACADA)? *YesNoIs your family a member of INDIGENOUS PEOPLES GROUP (IP)? *YesNoWhat type of Community? *Select Type of CommunityAtiIraynun BukidnonCuyoninOthersPlease Specify *Financial Support *Self SupportSupported by FamilySupported by Immediate FamilyWith Existing ScolarshipNature of Job *Name of funding agency *FAMILY BACKGROUNDFather's Full Name *Format(First Name/ Middle Initial/ Last NameMother's Full Name *Format(First Name/ Middle Initial/ Last NameFather's Occupation *Mother's Occupation *Father's Monthly Income *above Php 500,000Php 250,000 - 500,000Php 140,001 - 250,000Php 70,001 - 140,000Php 30,001 - 70,000Php 10,001 - 30,000Php 5001 - 10,000Php 5000 and belowMother's Monthly Income *above Php 500,000Php 250,000 - 500,000Php 140,001 - 250,000Php 70,001 - 140,000Php 30,001 - 70,000Php 10,001 - 30,000Php 5001 - 10,000Php 5000 and belowAre you the first child in your immediate family to be in college? *YesNoNumber of sibling in College/ Finished College *EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDLast School Attended *Select SchoolAdvance Central CollegeAntique National SchoolAntique Vocational SchoolAurelina National High SchoolBarangbang National High SchoolBarasanan National High SchoolBarbaza National High SchoolBelison National High SchoolBitadton National High SchoolBuhang National High SchoolCaluya National High SchoolCol. Ruperto Abellon National SchoolConception L Cazenas MSDao Catholic High School, Inc.Diclum National High SchoolDivine Word School of Semirara Island Inc.Dr. Luis E. Baraquia National High SchoolEastern Laua-an National High SchoolEgaña National High SchoolGamad-Sto. Tomas National High SchoolGen. Leandro Fullon Ntional SchoolGideon Cabigunda MSGov. Evelio B. Javier Memorial National High SchoolGov. Julian Fullon Pacificador NSGov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High SchoolGuintas National High SchoolIgburi National High SchoolIgcado National High SchoolIgpalge National SchoolJinalinan Academy, Inc.Kawit Integrated SchoolLacaron Integrated SchoolLaua-an National High SchoolLibertad National Vocational SchoolLipata-Lamputong Integrated SchoolLirio M. Escano National High SchoolMag-aba National High SchoolMoscoso-Rios National High SchoolNorthern Antique Vocational SchoolNorthern Bugasong National High SchoolPandan Bay Institute, Inc.Pandan National Vocational High SchoolPangalcagan National High SchoolPangpang National High SchoolPascual M. Osuyos Memorial High SchoolPatria National High SchoolPis-anan National High SchoolSaint Joseph AcademySan Antonio National High SchoolSan Pedro National High SchoolSan Roque - Ezpeleta National High SchoolSebaste High SchoolSemirara National High SchoolSibalom National High SchoolSibay National High SchoolSido-San Juan National High SchoolSouthern Bugasong National High SchoolSt. Andrew's High School of Anini-y, Inc.St. Anthony's College, Inc.St. Anthony's High School of Barbaza, Inc.St. Augustine's Academy of Patnongon, Inc.St. Blaise High SchoolSt. Luke's Academy, Inc.St. Michael High School of Culasi, Inc.St. Therese's High School, Inc.St. Vincent's High School of San Remegio, Inc.Sta. Ana National High SchoolSta. Justa National High SchoolTario Lim National High SchoolUnion National High SchoolUniversity of Antique - Main CampusUniversity of Antique - Tario Lim Memorial CampusValderrama National High SchoolWright Technological College of Antique - SibalomWright Technological College of Antique - San JoseOthersSelect others if school name is not listedOthers Specify *Name of SchoolType of School *PublicPrivateSection *Year Graduated *0 / 9Grade 12 Academic Distinction/Awards *With Highest HonorWith High HonorWith HonorNoneGeneral Weighted Average *Academic Track *HUMSSSTEMABMGASTVLNoneCategory of School (Based on the Number of Teachers) *Small School (15 Teachers and below)Medium School (16-30 Teachers)Large School (31-50 Teachers)Mega School (51 Teachers and above)Hobbies and Interest *COLLEGE APPLICATION INFORMATIONEntry Classification *FreshmenTransfereeQuitterShifterFreshmen (New Student/ Incoming First Year) • Transferees (College Student applying for transfer to UA) • Quitter/Reternee (Former Student UA applying to enroll again) • Shifter (Change of Program)Campus Intended to Study *Tibiao CampusHamtic CampusLibertad CampusCaluya CampusTibiao Campus Course PreferencesFirst Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (CBM)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBM)Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Information System (CCS)Bachelor of Elementary Education (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - English (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - Mathematics (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - Science (CTE)Bachelor of Science In Fisheries (CFE)Second Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (CBM)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBM)Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Information System (CCS)Bachelor of Elementary Education (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - English (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - Mathematics (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - Science (CTE)Bachelor of Science In Fisheries (CFE)Third Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (CBM)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBM)Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Information System (CCS)Bachelor of Elementary Education (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - English (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - Mathematics (CTE)Bachelor of Secondary Education - Science (CTE)Bachelor of Science In Fisheries (CFE)Hamtic Campus Course PreferencesFirst Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Secondary Education - EnglishBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in Agriculture - Animal ScienceBachelor of Science in Agriculture - Crop ScienceBachelor of Science in Food TechnologyBachelor of Science in ForestryBachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education - Home EconomicsBachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education - Agri-Fishery ArtsSecond Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Secondary Education - EnglishBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in Agriculture - Animal ScienceBachelor of Science in Agriculture - Crop ScienceBachelor of Science in Food TechnologyBachelor of Science in ForestryBachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education - Home EconomicsBachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education - Agri-Fishery ArtsThird Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Secondary Education - EnglishBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in Agriculture - Animal ScienceBachelor of Science in Agriculture - Crop ScienceBachelor of Science in Food TechnologyBachelor of Science in ForestryBachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education - Home EconomicsBachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education - Agri-Fishery ArtsLibertad Campus Course PreferencesFirst Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Information Technology (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBA)Second Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Information Technology (CCS)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBA)Caluya Campus Course PreferencesFirst Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (CBA)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBA)Bachelor in Industrial Technology - Electrical Technology (COT)Bachelor in Industrial Technology - Food Service Technology (COT)Second Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (CBA)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBA)Bachelor in Industrial Technology - Electrical Technology (COT)Bachelor in Industrial Technology - Food Service Technology (COT)Third Preference *Select ProgramBachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (CBA)Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (CBA)Bachelor in Industrial Technology - Electrical Technology (COT)Bachelor in Industrial Technology - Food Service Technology (COT)Residency and ConnectivityType of Residency if Enrolled. *Living with ParentsBoarding HouseLiving with RelativesKasambahayType of ConnectivityType 1 - WITHOUT CONNECTIVITY (without android phone/IOS, no internet signal or WIFI)Type 2 - WITH LIMITED CONNECTIVITY (with internet ready devices but without steady internet signal or WIFI)Type 3 - WITH CONNECTIVITY (with internet ready devices and available and steady internet and WIFI)SUBMITPlease do not fill in this field.