University of Antique joins the whole nation on its 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, through a launching which was held during the flag raising ceremony today, November 25, 2024.
Dr. Pablo S. Crespo Jr., UA President, on his message stated that the academe can contribute to the program of the government through making sure that every woman student that enters the gate of the university graduates and eventually land a job.
“Let us be an exemplar to our students, let us be a paragon that we can stand in our feet, we could give decisions, we could pursue what we want, because you are strong and education could be your stronger leverage,” he further stated addressing the women employees of the university.
The 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, which is also a campaign against all forms of gender-based violence, is an annual event which starts on November 25 and ends on December 12, 2024.
As one community, let us work together in achieving a VAW-free University of Antique. The time to end VAW is NOW!