The effort to thrive beyond the global space hand-in-hand since 2021 continues as 대구대학교(Daegu University), South Korea, sends a new set of DU Avengers to University of Antique (UA) for the conduct of fourth (4th) UA-DU Learnatory: Strengthening Practical Experience through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Culture, and Mathematics (STEAM) Camp.
On the opening program held at Busalian Hall, today, August 06, UA welcomed the 12 DU students headed by Dr. Cha Jeongho, Vice Dean, College of Education together with Jang Dayeong, TA, College of Education, and Park Changkyun, Youth Pastor, Mindlele Church.
Among the student delegates are Kang Gyuri, English Major, Lee Eunseo, who is taking History Education, Kim Taehyeon and Kim Hayeon, who are both taking Geography Education, Park Yeji, Social Studies Education student, Kim Somin from the Early Childhood Education, Lee Seungyeon from Early Childhood Special Education, Jeong Hwanseon and Cho Yena, who are both Chemistry Education students, and Lee Ju Hee, Lee Ji Eun, and Jeong Heeeun, Elementary Special Education students.