Professor Nick Deocampo, a multi-awarded filmmaker, film historian, film literacy advocate, and cinema archivist served as keynote speaker on the first Cinedagway organized by University of the Philippines Visayas’ Division of Humanities and participated by four members of UA Film Society, at UP Visayas – Miag-ao Campus, March 8.
Prof. Deocampo discussed The Pedagogical of Cinema: Learning through motion pictures and film as an education, on the activity that paved the way to explore the relationship between visual storytelling and education across diverse disciplines such as the cinema education.
The event was also participated by Aklan State University (ASU), Guimaras State University, Northern Iloilo State University, Capiz State University, and Miag-ao and Iloilo Science and Technological University (ISAT-U).
Photos courtesy of UA Film Society