UA launches Free Charging Station

University of Antique inaugurates the Free Solar-powered Charging Station at Administration Building, August 31.

Located in front of CAPUA Superette, the charging station which includes ten 3-in-1 cables and two electrical outlets for charging other electrical gadgets like laptop and mobile phones is a project of the UA Student Government.

In an interview with UASG President Leeslie Alvañiz, she shared that the charging station is set up at a strategic location where it could be easily accessed. It could also serve as a charging station during emergencies such as typhoons and blackouts.

“Naisip namon kay di ba jan ang charging station sa Victor’s Arc so mas nami kay mas rapit dun,” Alvañiz further stated.

UASG plans to add more charging stations around the campus that the students could freely use anytime./IAP