UA joins 2023 AIMS Workshop

University of Antique through International Affairs Office Director, Prof. Jennelyn A. Omadio, participates in the 2023 Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Workshop at Zuri Hotel, Iloilo City, April 25-28.

The workshop with the theme “Return, Rethink, Rekindle”, intends to assess the existing AIMS guidelines and creation of new guidelines that will address problems related to student mobility funded by AIMS.

According to Prof. Omadio, the University is one of the SUCs (State Universities and Colleges) invited to join and revisit the mobility guidelines for students which was made possible through the initiative of Commission on Higher Education (International Affairs Services) and South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center specializing in Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO-RIHED).

“If we will officially signify as members, (it will open) more opportunities for our students,” she further stated.

AIMS currently has nine member countries and 78 participating universities which offer undergraduates a semester-long student exchange./IAP

Photos courtesy of International Affairs