IRDL spearheads Equipment Installation and Training of Personnel

The Integrated Research Development and Laboratory (IRDL) spearheads the Installation of UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and Protein Digestor Equipment together with Suppliers from Molave Trading Inc. and XPRT Ventures Inc., at IRDL, Research and Resource and Development Center, UA Main.

According to IRDL, the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer installed last February 14 and Protein Digestor Equipment installed on February 27-28 are part of the externally funded project from DOST-PCIEERD’s Institutional Development Program granted to the University.

Anchored to the goal of capacitating and strengthening research in the province, IRDL personnel were also trained on the equipment’s use, calibration, and preventive maintenance on February 23 and February 28 respectively.

Additional number of laboratory equipment will be delivered in the following weeks that also entails subsequent training to capacitate the analysts and provide service in Antique./IAP

Photos courtesy of IRDL