“To the students of CIT… this COPC is all about you; this will guarantee that we comply with the minimum requirements that will assure that we offer quality education in the university.” – Dr. Pablo S. Crespo Jr., University of Antique (UA) President
In pursuit of the Commission on Higher Education’s (CHED) Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC), programs under the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) are subjected to assessment and evaluation by the CHED Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQuAT), today, June 25.
During the opening program at Busalian Hall, Dr. Crespo also stated that having a COPC is a big deal for both UA and CHED as students will only later on enjoy the free tuition and free miscellaneous fees if the programs offered by the university are compliant to the standards set by CHED.
“This is part of the ISO thrust of University of Antique of continual improvement that we are willing to improve and to deliver the best kind of service we could possibly give to our students,” he further stated.
The team headed by Dr. Alan P. Lena together with Mr. Edgar Allan Grey, Dr. Rene Celda, Dr. Pablo Minerva, Mr. Junry Ubag, and Dr. Sammy Daitao will evaluate the curriculum, faculty, and other aspects of the programs. They will also conduct an ocular inspection of the different facilities and laboratories used by CIT.