Mag-UligmAt kita, mga Kasubay!
True to its vision of becoming a premier university in transforming lives, and building sustainable and resilient communities, University of Antique presented its Resiliency Plans, Programs, and Protocol at the Busalian Hall today, July 31.
On the program dubbed as UligmAt: Get to Know and Practice UA’s Resiliency Plans, Programs, and Protocol, Mr. Broderick G. Train, MPM, MCDRM, Head of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, stated that UA’s initiatives to become more vigilant is essential to produce resilient students, teachers, administration, and community considering that UA is a critical infrastructure that provides essential services to the social and economic functioning of a community or society.
Dr. Pablo S. Crespo Jr., UA President, presented the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan (DRRM Plan) of the University for the next five years that aims to build the adaptive capacities of its stakeholders and help in increasing the resilience of vulnerable sectors and optimize disaster mitigation opportunities.
“In the plan, we have also outline to help our communities or the communities that we serve to become resilient,” Dr. Crespo added.
Representatives from PDRRMO also gave their comments and inputs to the presented initiatives such as the MUKRA Advocacy of UA, DRRM Research and Program Activities of the University, IEC Materials, Risk Assessment, UA DRRM Framework and Safety Response Protocol to Specific Risk, and the identified UA Evacuation Center including its plan and protocol.
Also present during the presentation are the members of the Executive Committee, DRRM Focal Person of all colleges and offices, and students. The UligmAt is also anchored to this year’s celebration of the National Disaster Resilience Month which is celebrated in the month of July.