True to its commitment to continual improvement, selected frontliners of the University of Antique underwent the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 21001: 2018 Educational Organizations’ Management System (EOMS) Documentation Training Workshop with Engr. Angelica C. Fraginal, Managing Director, ACF Consultancy and Training Seminars, at Busalian Hall, from July 15-16, 2024.

Engr. Fraginal comprehensively discussed the EOMS’ Objectives, overall process, plan, and risk assessment which were then followed by workshops to better understand the ISO 21001:2018 which is more precise and focused on educational organization’s processes and activities.

The training workshop, is anchored to UA’s adherence to the 21001 ISO standard in order to further deliver quality service to its clientele, stakeholders, and to the community where it belongs.